function makeScatter() {
// Basic settings for plot customisation
const padding = 90
const height = width
const max = 1000
// Data item visual element radius
const r = 5
const fontSize = 14
const container = document.getElementById('canvasContainer')
const axisNames = {
x: 'valx',
y: 'valy'
// Simple dataset with random values
const data = new Array(1000).fill(null).map((_, i) => ({
id: i,
valx: Math.ceil((Math.random() * (max))),
valy: Math.ceil((Math.random() * (max)))
// The plot function call
window.onload = init
// Main plot function
// Contains general rendering logic and interactivity update callback
function scatter(params) {
// Extracting parameters used in the main function
const { container, data, max, ...options } = params
// Getting scale function for horizontal values
const scalex = new Scale(
// Values range
[0, max],
// Plot horizontal size range
[options.padding, options.width - options.padding]
// Getting scale function for vertical values
const scaley = new Scale(
// Values range
[0, max],
// Plot vertical size range
[options.padding, options.height - options.padding]
// Creating the default PIXI app
const app = new PIXI.Application({
// PIXI app container width
width: options.width,
// PIXI app container height
height: options.height,
// PIXI app container background
background: '#2e2e2e'
// Getting popup container component and methods
const { popup, ...popupMethods } = getPopup(options)
// Getting dots container with items
const dots = renderDots(
// Using scale functions on each data item to get values from coordinates => ({
x: scalex.scale(item[options.axisNames.x]),
y: scaley.scale(item[options.axisNames.y])
// Passing popupMethods as parameters to bind popup event to items interactions
// Passing other plot options
// Getting xAxis container and elements using scalex
let axisX = getAxisX(scalex, options)
// Getting yAxis container and elements using scaley
let axisY = getAxisY(scaley, options)
// Getting interactivity callbacks from Interactivity instance
const {
// Passing onInteraction callback as the constructor parameter
// (which will be called after each interaction event is fired)
} = new Interactivity(onInteraction)
// Applying interactivity events on app container
app.view.addEventListener('mousedown', startScroll, true)
app.view.addEventListener('mouseup', stopScroll, true)
app.view.addEventListener('mousemove', onScroll, true)
// Touch events need to get initial touch with coordinates first
app.view.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => startScroll(e.touches[0]), true)
app.view.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => stopScroll(e.touches[0]), true)
app.view.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => onScroll(e.touches[0]), true)
app.view.onwheel = zoom
// Applying plot components to the app
app.stage.addChild(dots, axisX, axisY, popup)
// Adding the application canvas to the container element
// Creating the onInteraction callback
// Offset represents the current plot x and y coordinate offsets
// (value does not take scale into account)
// Scale represents the current plot scale
function onInteraction(offset, scale) {
// Setting the scale of the data items container
// (only data items need to be scaled visually)
dots.scale.set(scale, scale)
// Removing outdated axes
app.stage.removeChild(axisX, axisY)
// Applying the new offset to the data items container
// (only data items need to be moved visually)
dots.x = offset.x
dots.y = offset.y
// Calculating the new scale data values range
// This must be done to recalculate axes values
const newMaxX = scalex.invert(
(scalex.scale(max) / scale) - (offset.x / scale)
const newMinX = scalex.invert(
(scalex.scale(1) / scale) - (offset.x / scale)
const newMaxY = max - scaley.invert(
(scaley.scale(1) / scale) - (offset.y / scale)
const newMinY = max - scaley.invert(
(scaley.scale(max) / scale) - (offset.y / scale)
// Creating new horizontal and vertical scales with the new data range values
const newScaley = new Scale(
[newMinY, newMaxY],
[options.padding, options.height - options.padding]
const newScalex = new Scale(
[newMinX, newMaxX],
[options.padding, options.width - options.padding]
// Creating new axes with recalculated scales
// This way axes will show values taking into account
// the updated shift and scale values
axisX = getAxisX(newScalex, options)
axisY = getAxisY(newScaley, options)
// Applying the new axes to the app container
app.stage.addChild(axisX, axisY)
// Function that creates a container for data item elements
// and adds them to it
function renderDots(data, handlers, options) {
// Creating the main container for data items
const container = new PIXI.Container()
// Getting necessary parameters from the options object
const { r, axisNames } = options
// Getting interactivity handlers from the handlers parameter
const { showPopup, hidePopup } = handlers
// Calling the renderDot function for each data item
// Returning the container with data items
return container
// Function that adds data item graphics to the data items container
function renderDot(data) {
// Creating PIXI graphics for the data item
const dot = new PIXI.Graphics()
// Setting the event mode to 'dynamic' so
// interactivity events can be called for this graphics
dot.eventMode = 'dynamic'
// Adding item data to the current graphics object as a custom property,
// so this data can be used later in interactivity events
dot.__data__ = data
// Setting the cursor style on element hover
dot.cursor = 'pointer'
// Setting the element line style
dot.lineStyle(2, 0x285674, 1)
// Setting the element fill (background) style
dot.beginFill(0xd0d4fc, 1)
// Drawing the actual graphic (circle) in the graphics element
// For the y coordinate, the position is calculated
// from the bottom of the canvas as values should grow from bottom to top
dot.drawCircle(data.x, options.height - data.y, r)
// Setting interactivity handlers for the graphic element
dot.onmouseenter = onmouseenter
dot.onmouseleave = onmouseleave
// Adding the graphic element for the specific data item
// to the data items main container
// Creating the mouseenter event handler
// e - PIXI event object
// 'this' in this function will refer to the graphic element
// for which the event handler was called
function onmouseenter(e) {
// Setting the tint for the item element to 'highlight'
// the element that was hovered by the pointer
this.tint = 0x285674
// Getting the original browser event object
// which contains global pointer coordinates
const event = e.originalEvent
// Calling the showPopup interactivity handler,
// which renders a popup with the interactivity event target data
// Creating the popup content from the data info
// that was stored in the graphic element
`id: ${}
${axisNames.x}: ${this.__data__[axisNames.x]}
${axisNames.y}: ${this.__data__[axisNames.y]}
// Passing the pointer coordinates from the original event object,
// so the popup will be rendered where the pointer is,
// Creating the mouseleave event handler
function onmouseleave() {
// Removing the element 'highlight'
this.tint = 0xFFFFFF
// Calling the hidePopup interactivity handler
// to remove the popup with the selected item data
// Function that creates a container with the y-axis and its elements
function getAxisY(values, { height, padding, fontSize, axisNames }) {
// Count of ticks that will be rendered on the axis
const steps = 10;
// Initial axis coordinates (top-left corner, accounting for padding)
const startx = padding;
const starty = padding;
// Calculating the total length of the axis
// It should have a length of the total height minus padding
// and minus the distance to the start y-coordinate
const length = height - padding - starty;
// Calling the general getAxis function to get the axis container
// and the axis line of a specific size
const axis = getAxis(1, length);
// Calling the getTicks function that creates the ticks container,
// calculates the values, and adds the tick elements to the container
const ticks = getTicks(values, steps, fontSize);
// For every tick, calling the applyTickCoord function
// that applies the tick coordinates
// Slight offset of the entire ticks for better visibility
ticks.x -= 10;
// Calling the getLabel function
// that creates the label object for the axis
const label = getLabel(axisNames.y, fontSize + 4);
// Applying the label coordinates
label.x = -label.width / 2;
label.y = -label.height * 2;
// Adding the ticks and label to the axis container
axis.addChild(ticks, label);
// Applying the axis coordinates
axis.x = startx;
axis.y = starty;
// Returning the axis container
return axis;
// Function that applies the tick coordinates for the Y axis
function applyTickCoord(tick, i) {
// Calculation of the width of one step (tick)
const stepWidth = length / (steps - 1);
// Calculating the offset for each step
const offset = stepWidth * i;
// Calculating the x-coordinate (to the left from the axis line)
tick.x = -tick.width;
// Calculating the y-coordinate for the tick (from bottom to top)
tick.y = (height - padding * 2) - offset - fontSize / 2;
// Function that creates a container with the x-axis and its elements
// The base logic is the same as in getAxisY
// but with different coordinate calculations
function getAxisX(values, { width, height, padding, fontSize, axisNames }) {
const steps = 10;
const startx = padding;
const starty = height - padding;
const length = width - padding - startx;
const axis = getAxis(length, 1);
const ticks = getTicks(values, steps, fontSize);
const stepWidth = length / (steps - 1);
// For every tick, calling the applyTickCoord function
// that applies the tick coordinates
// Slight offset for better visibility (below the axis line)
ticks.y += 10;
// Calling the getLabel function
// that creates the label object for the axis
const label = getLabel(axisNames.x, fontSize + 4);
// Applying the label coordinates
label.x = length + label.width / 2;
label.y = -label.height / 2;
// Adding the ticks and label to the axis container
axis.addChild(ticks, label);
// Applying the axis coordinates
axis.x = startx;
axis.y = starty;
// Returning the axis container
return axis;
// Function that applies the tick coordinates for the X axis
function applyTickCoord(tick, i) {
const offset = stepWidth * i;
tick.x = offset - tick.width / 2;
tick.y = 0;
// Function that creates an axis label object
function getLabel(name, fontSize) {
// Creating a label text object by calling PIXI.Text
const label = new PIXI.Text(name, {
// Applying text options
fill: 0xFFFFFF,
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: 'bold'
// Returning the label object
return label;
// Function that creates an axis container and axis line
function getAxis(endx, endy) {
// Creating the axis container
const container = new PIXI.Container();
// Creating the axis line graphics
const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Setting the axis line style
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF, 1);
// Setting the line fill color (if it will be wider than 1 px)
graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 1);
// Drawing the axis line by calling the drawRect function
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, endx, endy);
// Adding the axis line to the axis container
// Returning the axis container
return container;
// Function that creates an axis ticks container and fills it with calculated ticks
function getTicks(scale, steps, fontSize) {
// Creating the ticks container
const container = new PIXI.Container();
// Getting the axis data range from the scale as these values are used to create the scale
const range = scale.valueRange;
// Calculating and rounding the final (biggest) value
const finalValue = Math.ceil(range[1] / 10) * 10;
// Calculating the value for each step
const step = (finalValue - range[0]) / (steps - 1);
// Creating a temporary ticks array that will be used for value calculations
Array.from({ length: steps }).forEach((_, i) => {
// Calling the getTickValue function that returns the value for each tick based on its position
const value = getTickValue(i);
// Calling the getTick function that creates the graphical tick object
const tick = getTick(value);
// Adding the tick object to the ticks container
// Returning the ticks container
return container;
// Helper function for getting the tick value based on its position in the line
function getTickValue(position) {
// Calculating the tick value
const value = range[0] + position * step;
// Rounding the tick value and returning it
return Math.ceil(value / 10) * 10;
// Function that creates the tick graphical object
function getTick(value) {
// Returning the tick object using the PIXI.Text function
return new PIXI.Text(value, {
// Applying tick options
fill: 0xFFFFFF,
fontSize: fontSize
// Function that returns a container and handlers for the popup
function getPopup({ fontSize }) {
// Setting the internal popup padding
const padding = 20;
// Creating the general popup container
const popup = new PIXI.Container();
// Creating the popup graphics object
const wrapper = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Creating the internal popup content object
let text = new PIXI.Text('', {
// Setting the popup content options
fill: 0xFFFFFF,
fontSize: fontSize
// Applying the popup graphics and content objects to the container
popup.addChild(wrapper, text);
// Returning the popup container and handlers
return {
// Handler to be called when the popup should be opened
function showPopup(data, x, y) {
// Setting the popup text content
text.text = data;
// Setting the popup text content coordinates
text.x = x + padding;
text.y = y + padding;
// Making the popup container graphics visible by drawing it
// Setting the container border style
wrapper.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF, 1);
// Setting the container background style
wrapper.beginFill(0x2E2E2E, 1);
// Drawing the container rectangle with a size to fit the popup text
wrapper.drawRect(x, y, padding * 2 + text.width, padding * 2 + text.height);
// Handler to be called when the popup should be hidden
function hidePopup() {
// Removing the popup text from the container
text.text = '';
// Clearing the popup container graphics