function makeScatter() {
// max data item value
const max = 100
// min data item value
const min = 0
const strokeColor = '#d0d4fc'
const fillColor = '#285674'
// generating dataset
const data = new Array(100).fill().map(() => ({
x: (Math.random() * max) | 0,
y: (Math.random() * max) | 0
// setting values for margins of svg content
const margin = {top: 30, left: 50, right: 30, bottom: 50}
// selecting svg container
const svg ='#chart')
// applying cursor style for svg container
.attr('cursor', 'pointer')
// getting root element width
const width = parseInt('width'))
// getting root element height
const height = parseInt('height'))
// creating root component for items elements
const items = svg.append('g')
// creating linear scaling for X axis
const scaleX = d3.scaleLinear()
// setting values domain
.domain([min, max])
// setting range with using margin
.range([margin.left, width - margin.right])
// creating linear scaling for Y axis
const scaleY = d3.scaleLinear()
// setting values domain
// from max to min to reverese y axis values (increasing from bottom to top)
.domain([max, min])
.range([, height - margin.bottom])
// creating of X axis
const axisX = d3.axisBottom(scaleX)
// creating of Y axis
const axisY = d3.axisLeft(scaleY)
// creating zoom behaviour
const zoom = d3.zoom()
// setting extent for scrolling
.translateExtent([[0, 0], [width, height]])
// setting extent for zooming
.scaleExtent([1, 2])
// setting callback event (both scrolling and zooming)
.on('zoom', onzoom)
// applying zooming behaviour to plot
// creating of empty collection for items
// applying data
// selecting all new data-element connections
// appending actual element to every selection item
// setting circle radius
.attr('r', '5')
// setting circle fill color
.attr('fill', fillColor)
// setting circle stroke color
.attr('stroke', strokeColor)
// setting item x coord
.attr('cx', d => scaleX(d.x))
// setting item y coord
.attr('cy', d => scaleY(d.y))
// creating container element for X axis
// setting x axis position (25 is correction to make it visible)
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${height - 25})`)
//calling x axis component function
// setting x axis container id
.attr('id', 'axisx')
// creating container element for X axis
// setting y axis position (30 is correction to make it visible)
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left - 10}, 0)`)
// setting y axis container id
.attr('id', 'axisy')
// zoom event callback
function onzoom({ transform }) {
// setting new transform coords for items container
// because this is an element which should be
// changed on zoom or scrolling
items.attr('transform', transform)
// creating new scale for x with taking to account
// applied transofrm
const newScaleX = transform.rescaleX(scaleX)
// creating new scale for y
const newScaleY = transform.rescaleY(scaleY)
// creating new x axis with new scale usage
const newAxisX = d3.axisBottom(newScaleX)
// creating new y axis with new scale usage
const newAxisY = d3.axisLeft(newScaleY)
// applying new x axis'#axisx').call(newAxisX)
// applying new y axis'#axisy').call(newAxisY)