function makeNetwork() {
//data set
const data = [
id: 'item1',
connections: ['item2', 'item3'],
id: 'item2',
connections: ['item4'],
id: 'item3',
connections: ['item2', 'item1'],
id: 'item4',
connections: ['item1'],
id: 'item5',
connections: ['item1', 'item4'],
id: 'item6',
connections: ['item1'],
// selecting root element for plot
const svg ='#chart')
// getting root element width
const width = parseInt('width'))
// getting root element height
const height = parseInt('height'))
const padding = 70
const strokeColor = '#d0d4fc'
const fillColor = '#285674'
// generating network datastructure from the data
// by using custom function
const structure = getStructure(data)
// applying network layout to structure items
// getting all nodes data
const items = getNodes(structure)
// getting all links data between network nodes
const links = getLinks(structure)
// creating linear scaling for Y
const scaleY = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([d3.min(items, d => d.y), d3.max(items, d => d.y)])
.range([padding, height - padding])
// creating linear scaling for X
const scaleX = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([d3.min(items, d => d.x), d3.max(items, d => d.x)])
.range([padding, width - padding])
// creating drag behaviour
const dragHandler = d3.drag()
// setting general drag callback
.on('drag', function (e, d) {
// getting mouse pointer coords relatiely svg
const [x, y] = d3.pointer(e, svg.node())
// updating coords directly in data object (d param)
d.x = scaleX.invert(x)
d.y = scaleY.invert(y)
// calling update function to redraw the chart
// creating wrapper for all chart components
const wrapper = svg.append('g')
// render connections between nodes
// creating empty selection
// applying connections data
// applying element-data connections and creating line elements
// applying line coords
.attr('x1', d => scaleX(d[0].x))
.attr('y1', d => scaleY(d[0].y))
.attr('x2', d => scaleX(d[1].x))
.attr('y2', d => scaleY(d[1].y))
// applying lines color
.attr('stroke', strokeColor)
// render nodes
// creating empty collection
const nodes = wrapper.selectAll('g')
// applying nodes data
// applying element-data connections and creating g elements
// g element used because each node contain circle and text
// so its a wrapper
// setting node element class
// for future selections
.attr('class', 'node')
// appending circles to each node
// applying circle coords
.attr('cx', d => scaleX(d.x))
.attr('cy', d => scaleY(d.y))
// applying circle radius
.attr('r', '10')
// applying each circle color
.attr('fill', fillColor)
.attr('stroke', strokeColor)
// setting cursor style
.style('cursor', 'pointer')
// applying text for each node
// setting text value
.text(d =>
// applying text color
.attr('fill', 'currentColor')
// setting popup text element coords
// +15 is a slight correction for better visibility
.attr('x', d => scaleX(d.x) + 15)
.attr('y', d => scaleY(d.y) + 15)
// applying drag behavious to selection of all circle elements
// which represents nodes
// function which create structure with linked object
// from flat data array
function getStructure(data) {
const result = {}
// getting initial items structure
data.forEach((item, i) => {
result[] = {
data: item
// setting connections
data.forEach(item => {
const connections = => result[item])
result[].connections = connections
return result
// function that applies random layout (without directions)
// to network structure
function applyRandomLayout(data) {
// spacing between nodes
const spacing = 100
// applying coords for each element of structure
Object.values(data).forEach((item, i) => {
// getting previous generated node object
// or default object with coords for the first one
const prev = i > 0 ? Object.values(data)[i - 1] : {x: 0, y: 0}
// generating node coords
item.x = prev.x + spacing
item.y = (prev.y + spacing) * Math.sin(i)
// function that returns array of node objects
function getNodes(layout) {
return Object.values(layout).map(node => node)
// function that returns array of arrays which represents
// connections between two nodes
function getLinks(layout) {
const links = []
Object.values(layout).forEach(node => {
node.connections.forEach(connection => {
links.push([node, connection])
return links
// general update callback
function update() {
// generating updated links and nodes data from structure
const links = getLinks(structure)
const items = getNodes(structure)
// render connections
const nodes = wrapper.selectAll('.node')
.attr('x1', d => scaleX(d[0].x))
.attr('y1', d => scaleY(d[0].y))
.attr('x2', d => scaleX(d[1].x))
.attr('y2', d => scaleY(d[1].y))
// render nodes
.attr('cx', d => scaleX(d.x))
.attr('cy', d => scaleY(d.y))
.attr('x', d => scaleX(d.x) + 15)
.attr('y', d => scaleY(d.y) + 15)